Push Ads in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

October 17, 2023

The Power of Push Traffic in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Push Ads?

Push traffic refers to the delivery of clickable notifications directly to users’ devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. These notifications, also known as push notifications, are short, concise messages sent from apps, websites, or ad networks. Users are prompted to opt in to receive these notifications, creating a more targeted and engaged audience. You have certainly seen such personal-like messages as “You have a new message from” or “New product updates!” more than once.

Push Notification Structure

Push notifications typically consist of four key components:

  • Title: A concise and attention-grabbing headline that provides a glimpse of the message’s content.
  • Message: The main body of the notification, conveying the offer, information, or call to action.
  • Icon: A visual element for showcasing products or conveying the essence of an event.
  • Picture/image (optional): An accompanying image that adds visual appeal and reinforces the message.

Remember that the best push traffic always looks catchy and simple.

The appearance and behavior of push notifications can vary depending on the device’s operating system (OS) and the app or service sending the notification.

  • Appearance on Mobile:

On mobile devices, push notifications usually appear as  pop-up messages that briefly appear on the screen, often at the top or center. A large image of mobile push is usually hidden.

  • Appearance on Desktop:

On desktop devices, push notifications usually appear as small pop-up messages that appear on the screen, typically at the bottom-right corner.

Upon clicking the push notification, the user is directed to a landing page or pre-landing page that maintains a logical connection with the presented offer. In this scenario, the push notification functions as an alluring banner that draws the user’s attention.

How Do Users Subscribe to Push Notifications?

Users typically subscribe to push notifications by giving explicit permission to a website or app to send them notifications. Here’s how the process generally works:

On Websites:

  1. Prompt: When a user visits a website for the first time that supports push notifications, a prompt or pop-up appears, asking if they would like to receive notifications from the site.
  2. Permission Request: The prompt provides information about the type of notifications the site will send and may ask for permission to send notifications even when the user is not actively on the site.
  3. User Decision: The user can choose to “Allow” or “Block” notifications. If they click “Allow,” they are subscribing to receive push notifications from that website.
  4. Subscription: Once the user grants permission, their device and browser store the subscription information, allowing the website to send notifications even when the user is not visiting the site.

In Mobile Apps:

  1. In-App Prompt: When a user installs a mobile app that supports push notifications, they usually receive a prompt within the app, asking if they want to enable notifications.
  2. Permission Request: Similar to the website prompt, the in-app prompt provides information about the types of notifications the app will send and may request permission for notifications outside the app.
  3. User Decision: The user can choose to enable or disable notifications for the app. If they choose to enable notifications, they are subscribing to receive push notifications from the app.
  4. Subscription: The app stores the user’s subscription information, allowing it to send push notifications to the user’s device.

Once the user agrees, they commence receiving advertising push notifications, regardless of whether they exit the session or remain. The subscription data has already been integrated into the database of a push traffic network.

Push Traffic Advantages

Imagine an advertising realm where your message isn’t lost in the noise but delivered directly to engaged users. Push traffic paves the way for your content to be a welcomed guest on users’ devices. Here’s why it stands as a true game-changer:

  1. Instant Engagement:Push traffic doesn’t wait for users to stumble upon your ad. It delivers your message in real-time, instantly engaging users and igniting their curiosity.
  2. Great visibility: A push notification is unlikely to be overlooked amidst a clutter of other ads on a page. Push advertisements consistently occupy the user’s field of vision: positioned atop other mobile windows or nestled in the desktop screen’s corner.
  3. Direct Line to Action: There’s no maze of clicks to navigate. With push traffic, users are a heartbeat away from taking action. Whether it’s making a purchase, exploring an offer, or visiting a landing page, the path is clear and concise.
  4. Personal Touch: Push notifications allow for personalized communication. By leveraging user behavior data, you can tailor messages to individual preferences, making each notification a meaningful interaction.
  5. High-quality Traffic: Push notifications are received by real people who have subscribed to them. In cases where website owners try to cheat with bot-generated subscriptions, this is promptly exposed and banned by the ad network. 
  6. Audience Building: By building a subscriber base of opted-in users, advertisers can establish a loyal audience for future campaigns.
  7. Large volumes and low costs: Budget-friendly push traffic serves as an ideal avenue for newcomers to delve into the realm of affiliate marketing due to its lower costs than, for example, platforms like Facebook. Push traffic acquisition operates on the CPC (cost per click) model. At ROIads depending on the Geo CPC starts from $0.003.
  8. Cost-Effective: Push traffic campaigns often yield a favorable return on investment due to their relatively lower costs compared to other advertising methods.
  9. Loyal content policy: Unlike different marketing platforms and other channels, push allows advertising a wide spectrum of offers without using cloaking.Crypto, Sweepstakes, Betting, Adult (only with pre-landing page) – all these verticals are allowed in push ads.

Push Notifications Best Verticals in 2024

Push notifications can be effective in various verticals or industries, but their success often depends on the nature of the business, the target audience, and the content of the notifications. Here are some verticals where push notifications are commonly used and can be particularly effective:

While push notifications can be effective in various verticals, it’s crucial to consider the preferences and behavior of your specific target audience. Additionally, ensuring that your push notifications are personalized, timely, and provide value to recipients is essential for their success regardless of the industry. Striking the right balance between informative and non-intrusive notifications is key to maintaining user engagement and preventing opt-outs.

How to launch an Effective Push Traffic Campaign?

Launching a successful push traffic campaign requires careful planning, execution, and optimization. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

  1. Begin by experimenting with various offers to gain insights into what will be effective for the traffic from a particular advertising network.
  2. Split your campaigns into mobile and desktop. Adjust the bids accordingly, as they may vary. This approach also simplifies the optimization process.
  3. Launch a campaign with a minimum of 5 creatives. The more creatives you have, the more possibility that your campaign will be effective, because a campaign might start with 5 creatives, but only one of them proves to be effective in generating conversions.
  4. Conduct A/B tests to optimize your push notification messages. Test variations of headlines, content, and images to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  5. Use personal-like texts and emojis in the headline to improve your CTR.
  6. Set a realistic budget for your campaign and manage your bids effectively. Monitor your spend and adjust bidding strategies based on performance.
  7. Regularly review campaign data and make data-driven optimizations. Adjust your messaging, targeting, and timing based on what works best for your audience.
  8. If your campaign is successful, consider scaling it gradually while maintaining a high level of user engagement and relevance.

Launching a successful push traffic campaign is an ongoing process that requires a deep understanding of your audience and constant optimization. By following these steps and staying attentive to user feedback and analytics, you can improve your campaign’s effectiveness and achieve your marketing goals. Moreover, our professional managers are always here to guide you through the launching and optimization process!


In conclusion, push traffic is a dynamic and potent avenue for advertisers looking to reach users directly and effectively. Its unique characteristics, along with the trends and advantages mentioned, make it a valuable addition to the modern advertising toolkit. By understanding push traffic’s intricacies and tailoring campaigns to suit specific geos and verticals, advertisers can tap into its immense potential for success in 2024 and beyond.